i7 10th generation 10700f Processor. I just pulled this from my old video editing system works great, and guaranteed working. I have added some pics of its boot screen for the bios.
i7 10th generation 10700f Processor. I just pulled this from my old video editing system works great, and guaranteed working. I have added some pics of its boot screen for the bios.,Win11 office core i7 メモリ16G 高速SSD 512GB GTX970 HDD2T 強力ゲーミングPC 無線 4K 4画面 高効率電源 勉強 事務 スト6 AC6(デスクトップ)|売買されたオークション情報、Yahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!) の商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オークファン(aucfan.com),i7 10th generation 10700f Processor. I just pulled this from my old video editing system works great, and guaranteed working. I have added some pics of its boot screen for the bios.,i7 10th generation 10700f Processor. I just pulled this from my old video editing system works great, and guaranteed working. I have added some pics of its boot screen for the bios.,9910000158438 ‐最短即日出荷‐(Corei7 12700F/メモリ:DDR4 16GB(16GBx1)/SSD:1TB M.2 NVMe/HDD:-/電源:550W 80PLUS Bronze/グラボ:RTX4060 /Win11Home) Katamen-434873 増設可能 BTOパソコン GC8※Web限定 | アプライドネット 通販