Good condition. Perfect for gamers, has a lot of room for upgradability. Can run AAA games and esports titles (Fortnite, apex, Valorant) at high FPS. Refurbished and tested working. i7-7700 @ 3.60
Good condition. Perfect for gamers, has a lot of room for upgradability. Can run AAA games and esports titles (Fortnite, apex, Valorant) at high FPS. Refurbished and tested working. i7-7700 @ 3.60,ゲーミングキーボード APEX 3 TKL(英語配列) 64831J [有線 /USB]:ビックカメラ通販 | JRE MALLショッピング | JRE POINTが貯まる・使える,Good condition. Perfect for gamers, has a lot of room for upgradability. Can run AAA games and esports titles (Fortnite, apex, Valorant) at high FPS. Refurbished and tested working. i7-7700 @ 3.60,☆虹蒼3連☆ハイパーWifiゲーミング】フォートナイト/Apex◎現品組み上げ製造,☆虹蒼4連☆ハイパーWifi HP ゲーミングPC】フォートナイト、Apex◎現品