So like you said it depends on the coffee shop, I can sense when a cafe is laptop-friendly or not. I just avoid those who are obviously not welcoming to us. There
So like you said it depends on the coffee shop, I can sense when a cafe is laptop-friendly or not. I just avoid those who are obviously not welcoming to us. There,IchigoJam 組み立て済完成品 Q,Amazon | 電気カフェケトル ポット 0.8L ブラック グースネック コーヒー用 コード長さ1.3mに改良 KDKE-08AB 温度計付 延長保証1年 安心安全の自動停止・空焚き防止 ワンタッチで湯沸かし LITHON ライソン | LITHON | 電気ケトル 通販,So like you said it depends on the coffee shop, I can sense when a cafe is laptop-friendly or not. I just avoid those who are obviously not welcoming to us. There, KILLER COFFEE 覚醒ビター BLACK BY ZONe キラーコーヒー ブラック 245g×30本 : ホーム&キッチン