Cute and pink ✨️🌸💻 , This is the Toshiba dynabook NX/76KPK Lotus Pink, an old but very cute laptop 💖, When I saw this laptop I instantly got it because I thought it was super cute. It's a very pretty
Cute and pink ✨️🌸💻 , This is the Toshiba dynabook NX/76KPK Lotus Pink, an old but very cute laptop 💖, When I saw this laptop I instantly got it because I thought it was super cute. It's a very pretty ,Toshiba Dynabook core i7-3610QM 2.30ghz HDD 500GB RAM 8GB,ニュースリリース (2008.9.29-2) | ニュース | 東芝,Toshiba Dynabook core i7-3610QM 2.30ghz HDD 500GB RAM 8GB,【中古】格安安心パソコン dynabook TX/67LPK PATX67LRTPK スウィートピンク 〔Windows 10〕 [2133023942328] - リコレ!|ビックカメラグループ ソフマップの中古通販サイト