PolyScience The Smoking Gun Pro 套組 附玻璃克洛什和木屑組,Amazon.com: Polyscience 吸煙槍食物吸煙器14 x 10 x 3.6 英吋(約37.1 x 27.2 x 9.1 : 居家與廚房,Amazon.com: SmokinTex Pro 1400 電動吸煙器 - 寬敞且絕緣的不銹鋼吸煙器 700W 加熱,數位溫度控制,適用於燒烤、乾澀、蔬菜 - 室內/室外 : 露臺、草皮與花園,Amazon.com: Handy Smoker PRO Cold Smoker - 手持式煙槍 吸煙食品 - 煙霧噴霧器將實木煙燻香味添加到食品和飲料 : 居家與廚房,Amazon.com : RAYBYLAND Electric Smoker Gun for Cooking, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery, One Button Operation, Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Barbecue