人気NFTプロジェクト『新星ギャルバース』『MetaKozo』『WAFUKU GEN』がTOKEN SPOTで販売 スタート!限定デジタルグッズが1,000円代で購入可能!今すぐお近くの自販機へ! | 24karat 株式会社のプレスリリース,Fabrication of Advanced Cellulosic Triboelectric Materials via Dielectric Modulation - Du - 2023 - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library,Renewable biomass-based aerogels: from structural design to functional regulation - Chemical Society Reviews (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3CS01014G,Renewable biomass-based aerogels: from structural design to functional regulation - Chemical Society Reviews (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3CS01014G,The impact of multi-type artificial reef habitats on the feeding ecology and trophic niche of dominant rocky reef fish species (Hexagrammos otakii and Sebastes schlegelii) - ScienceDirect