Working Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 Motherboard DIA-002 w/ BMD-006 & 500GB HD CECHK01 | eBay
Working Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 Motherboard DIA-002 w/ BMD-006 & 500GB HD CECHK01 | eBay,Sony Playstation 3 PS3 Backward Compatible Motherboard COK-002 BMD-001 CECHE01,Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 CECHA01 Backwards Compatible + OEM Box - (No PS2 Play),Best Buy: Sony PlayStation 3 250GB with Last of Us Azurite Blue 90U083,Doubt this counts as retro, since the PS3 Super Slim came out in 2012…but I snagged this w/ a controller/ charging cable, hook ups, owners manual/inserts with COD Black Ops II (complete)