送料設置無料!!限界価格挑戦!!新生活家電♬洗濯機/冷蔵庫♬ 低く,送料設置無料!!限界価格挑戦!!新生活家電♬洗濯機/冷蔵庫♬ 低く,Admin please Approve DM let's deal on TV console, chairs, shoe rack bedframe Nd more C-Mqn is ✓🤝🔥,Below items are on sell, see the below price tags clearly & well evaluated √ 32' VITRON SMART TV •8 months old ✓ •In perfect condition. ..✍🏽 ^B.P: kshs. 14,500 ^S.P: kshs.,Below items are on sell, see the below price tags clearly & well evaluated √ 32' VITRON SMART TV •8 months old ✓ •In perfect condition. ..✍🏽 ^B.P: kshs. 14,500 ^S.P: kshs.