Chemical and structural origin of lattice oxygen oxidation in Co–Zn oxyhydroxide oxygen evolution electrocatalysts | Nature Energy
Chemical and structural origin of lattice oxygen oxidation in Co–Zn oxyhydroxide oxygen evolution electrocatalysts | Nature Energy,Metallopolymers for advanced sustainable applications - Chemical Society Reviews (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/C7CS00656J,GANAB and N-Glycans Substrates Are Relevant in Human Physiology, Polycystic Pathology and Multiple Sclerosis: A Review,Interacting with Futuristic Topological Quantum Materials: A Potential Candidate for Spintronics Devices,Sensing materials developed and applied for bio-active Fe 3+ recognition in water environment - Analytical Methods (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/C6AY01502F