pH-dependent mechanisms of sulfadiazine degradation by natural pyrite-driven heterogeneous Fenton-like reactions - ScienceDirect
pH-dependent mechanisms of sulfadiazine degradation by natural pyrite-driven heterogeneous Fenton-like reactions - ScienceDirect,pH-dependent mechanisms of sulfadiazine degradation by natural pyrite-driven heterogeneous Fenton-like reactions - ScienceDirect,Feasibility at the LHC, FCC-he and CLIC for Sensitivity Estimates on Anomalous Electromagnetic Couplings of the τ-lepton | International Journal of Theoretical Physics,Ultra-sensitive electroanalysis of toxic 2,4-DNT on o-CoxFe1-xSe2 solid solution: Fe-doping-induced c-CoSe2 phase transition to form electron-rich active sites - ScienceDirect,2,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid-modified MIL-88A(Fe) for enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation to degrade organic contaminants - ScienceDirect