145: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculptures model BB2-45XN, pair < Taking Shape: The Akari Light Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi, 30 March 2023 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design
145: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculptures model BB2-45XN, pair < Taking Shape: The Akari Light Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi, 30 March 2023 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design,105: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculptures model 41S, pair < Taking Shape: The Akari Light Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi, 30 March 2023 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design,149: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculptures models 3X, pair < Taking Shape: The Akari Light Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi, 30 March 2023 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design,144: TOSHIKO TAKAEZU, Untitled (with rattle) < Post War & Contemporary Ceramics, 4 October 2023 < Auctions | Rago Auctions,イギリスアンティークのフラワーベース、優雅なシルバープレートの一輪挿し(k-5373-z)|アンティーク雑貨