Ktaxon 5 弦班卓琴,全尺寸左/右手班卓琴5 弦組,封閉實心樹莓背部和優質桃花心木頸部和拋光豐富的木質表面和便攜袋(右手), Deering Goodtime 黑草5 弦班卓琴天然: 樂器,Beaded Silver Contemporary Pants 04905 with Matching Jacket 04904 - Jovani,Beaded Silver Contemporary Pants 04905 with Matching Jacket 04904 - Jovani,Facebook Groups | //Description in English Version at the end// 琴內標籤: “Made in the Workshop of: Ming-Jiang Zhu The Gold-Medalist, Silver-Medalist and Multiple-awards Winner of International Competitions Va903A-405 Guangzhou 200” [譯:於朱明江工作