Synthetic Roadmap to a Large Library of Colloidal High-Entropy Rare Earth Oxyhalide Nanoparticles Containing up to Thirteen Metals | Journal of the American Chemical Society
Synthetic Roadmap to a Large Library of Colloidal High-Entropy Rare Earth Oxyhalide Nanoparticles Containing up to Thirteen Metals | Journal of the American Chemical Society,Kawasaki ZX-4RR ZX-4R Cat-Back Slip-on Titanium Exhaust,Investigating the Impact of Compound Extremes on Crop Yield Response of Cotton Using DSSAT-CROPGRO-Cotton Crop Simulation Model | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering | Vol 151, No 1,Regulatory polymorphisms modulate the expression of HLA class II molecules and promote autoimmunity | eLife,Regulatory polymorphisms modulate the expression of HLA class II molecules and promote autoimmunity | eLife