This is the popular Korg LP 380 digital piano in brand new condition. I bought this on May 1, 2024, from Sweetwater, but it's only been played about 10 times as my
This is the popular Korg LP 380 digital piano in brand new condition. I bought this on May 1, 2024, from Sweetwater, but it's only been played about 10 times as my,Korg LP-380 Repair Parts and Accessories - Syntaur,KORG 電子ピアノ LP-380-RW U 88鍵 ローズウッド 高低自在椅子セット,Amazon | KORG(コルグ) 電子ピアノ LP-380U 88鍵盤/日本製/温かみを感じる木製/純正ヘッドフォンとペダルが付属 ローズウッド LP-380-RW U | 電子ピアノ | 楽器・音響機器,Yahoo!オークション -「korg lp-380」の落札相場・落札価格