アップル(Apple) MN873J/A Apple TV 4K Wi-Fiモデル 64GB|ピーチクパーク
アップル(Apple) MN873J/A Apple TV 4K Wi-Fiモデル 64GB|ピーチクパーク,Apple TV 3rd generation ModelA1427 WITH REMOTE $25 FINAL PRICE - electronics - by owner - sale - craigslist,Apple◆Apple TV 4K 第7世代 Wi-Fiモデル 64GB MN873J/A A2737 : 2330012331372 : セカンドストリートYahoo!店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング,Why do I keep getting this error message? I am using an Apple TV (1 Year Old), But I am using a new LG TV connected VIA HDMI, The problem started with,My apple tv 4th gen stopped working, opened it and saw that one part was burnt, does anyone knows the part name can it be repaired? : r/AskElectronics