Chapter 276 Raw : r/DemonSchoolIrumakun,Shin no Jitsuryoku wa Girigiri made Kakushite Iyou to Omou (I Think I'll Hide My True Ability to the Last Moment) Image by Kamekoya Saito #4325521 - Zerochan Anime Image Board,DISC] Metro Labyrinth - When I Woke Up, I Had the Strongest Job, so I Teamed Up With a Chipmunk and Wandered the New World • Meikyuu Metro - Mezametara Saikyoushoku Datta,Shin no Jitsuryoku wa Girigiri made Kakushite Iyou to Omou (I Think I'll Hide My True Ability to the Last Moment) Image by Kamekoya Saito #4325521 - Zerochan Anime Image Board,Z/X -Zillions of enemy X- iDOL SPECiAL SiTUATiON CD 「MiRAGE」 | CD・DVD | 株式会社ブロッコリー