A Portable Electrochemical Dopamine Detector Using a Fish Scale-Derived Graphitized Carbon-Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode
A Portable Electrochemical Dopamine Detector Using a Fish Scale-Derived Graphitized Carbon-Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode,Multimodal generation of luminol electrochemiluminescence through TEMPO functionalized carbon nanotubes - ScienceDirect,FeCN/MXene as novel heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalysts for the degradation of sulfathiazole: Performance and mechanism investigation - ScienceDirect,FeCN/MXene as novel heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalysts for the degradation of sulfathiazole: Performance and mechanism investigation - ScienceDirect,C-4W ミニサークルベッドしろくま(かたわたマット付)::ホクソンベビー