Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics reveals that regulating biosynthesis and metabolism of HCN and GABA plays a key role in drought resistance of wild soybean - ScienceDirect
Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics reveals that regulating biosynthesis and metabolism of HCN and GABA plays a key role in drought resistance of wild soybean - ScienceDirect,Acura Sales Figures - US Market | GCBC,Regulation of crystal and microstructures of RETaO4 (RE = Nd, Sm, Gd, Ho, Er) powders synthesized via co-precipitation - ScienceDirect,Present status and prospects of nanostructured thermal barrier coatings and their performance improvement strategies: A review - ScienceDirect,Julian's Land Rover Discovery 1 V8 - Doris - Oz Volvo