Admin please🙏🙏 accept this post 32 inches Panasonic tv is available for sale 60k Is not up to 3 month I bought it new with carton and recipet everything is working perfectly
Admin please🙏🙏 accept this post 32 inches Panasonic tv is available for sale 60k Is not up to 3 month I bought it new with carton and recipet everything is working perfectly,Panasonic Japan(パナソニック) added a - Panasonic Japan(パナソニック),即日受渡❣️Panasonic HDD内蔵 37型フルハイビジョン13500円 きつい,Panasonic 空気清浄機 Econavi搭載 ありがたく F-ZXVJ90,低圧進相コンデンサ 引出端子付 三相