TOUGH TABLE 90,【10%オフクーポン対象】サイドテーブル ステンレス天板 ハイタイプ 完成品 幅50 奥行48 高さ85cm RYSTS-5040H 山善 YAMAZEN,Functional characterization of two different decaprenyl diphosphate synthases in the vetch aphid Megoura viciae - Song - 2022 - Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology - Wiley Online Library,Enhancing Protein Adsorption for Improved Lateral Flow Assay on Cellulose Paper by Depleting Inert Additive Films Using Reactive Plasma | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,The transcription factor VaNAC72–regulated expression of the VaCP17 gene from Chinese wild Vitis amurensis enhances cold tolerance in transgenic grape (V. vinifera) - ScienceDirect