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Pilotka: Russian Army Foldable Side Cap

Pilotka: Russian Army Foldable Side Cap

A pilotka with no stripes, belongs to the basic GI unit of the Red Army Infantry.
Dated anywhere between early 60s to late 80s, this pilotka summer field hat is in unissued military (NS) stock condition.

For the first time pilotka became a part of military uniform during WW1 among German pilots. Later on in 1930s it became the main headwear piece for the army of the 3rd Reich. In Russia pilotka was first implemented in the doors of WW2 when budenovka hats were substituted by pilotka. Usually pilotka is made out of cotton and is colored in the camouflage green with the stripes and insignia that distinguish to which particular military branch the piece belongs.

Pilotka, a Russian version of the US Army Garrison Cap, is a universal, multifunctional soldier/officer field service cap. This cap is made out of 50% wool, 50 % cotton, and has cotton lining inside. Side flaps drop down to provide protection from rain, wind and cold. Pilotka is great at repelling water and keeps you warm, even when the ear flaps are unfolded.
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Item: #10239

On Sale: $34.95 - $39.95

Regular Price: $34.95 - $39.95

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Soviet Army soldiers field hat pilotka
Soviet Army soldiers field hat pilotka Soviet soldiers wearing pilotka hats Garrison cap
Field Service cap Wedge cap Foldable Soviet Army cap
Inside of a pilotka hat

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Price: $34.95 - $39.95

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This hat comes with one free authentic Soviet insignia.
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Russian Imperial Eagle hat badge Soviet Army soldier hat insignia One inch classic Soviet Red Star cap insignia Soviet Army officer hat insignia
Soviet soldier hat insignia for field uniform

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